Monday, January 5, 2009

IF - Resolve

Grocery Shopping - 4x5 acrylic and collage

This week's prompt had me thinking how much resolve I have to have when I go to the grocery store. I make a menu for the week so I know what to buy and scan the flyers so I can make a list and then I have to remember to bring it. I have to remember to bring my reusable bags so I can be kind to the environment. I look for the best deals and price per unit. I read labels and weigh the good and bad (my kids like it, is it full of crap? This one is not so bad - but will my kids eat it?!?!) I wait in line and usually end up bagging my own groceries. And I do this with a 3 year old in tow which is where the resolve really comes in! Having all this resolve is exhausting! 


INDIGENE said...

You are indeed a super Mom! I've worked out a deal with my husband, he does all the shopping! Great colors in this image.

Vhrsti said...

Wonderful painting! Love the colors as well the shoping list!

Tom Barrett said...

Nice work!